Asset Searches
Need to determine the assets of another person or business entity? ALIASS can generate a complete asset search report related to family law and divorce cases, personal injury cases and for key business decisions. Our asset searches can include a variety of possible assets, including bank, credit union, vehicle, real estate, brokerage (stocks and bonds) and personal property.
Background Checks
Whether you are vetting a new employee, completing a business deal, leasing real estate, or entering into some other type of legal contract, conducting a comprehensive and professional background check is always a good business practice. The cost to verify the background of an individual is an excellent investment when you consider the alternatives.
Courier Service
Need to insure your package arrives swiftly? Need to secure a signature or other proof of delivery? Maybe your package and contents require a secure and confidential transport? ALIASS can deliver your items in a timely fashion and fulfill your needs for a fast, protected, validated and personalized courier service.
Courthouse Filing
Courthouse filing can be costly and time-consuming - locating court location, waiting in lines and researching deadlines. Let the experienced legal researchers at ALIASS help you be more productive by completing the courthouse filings of your sensitive legal documents.
Courthouse Research & Retrieval
When you need court records, let ALIASS be your one-stop partner. We retrieve any type of document from any circuit court, district court, general district, state court, federal court, superior court, juvenile and domestic relations court or US District Court for cases involving family law, probate, secretary of state corporations, trustees, bankruptcy, civil and criminal law, and more.
Motor Vehicle Searches
ALIASS can also complete motor vehicle searches nationwide, with a specialty in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. Our professional team of investigators will validate information for driver and motor vehicle, including tag or license plate searches, vehicle ownerships, driving records, registration expiration, title status, and more.
For inspections, ALIASS will provide an official review and examination of assets or a business entity to determine whether they are in compliance of regulations, fit for commerce or otherwise in agreement with expectations. Our inspections include on-site visits and photographic evidence, and often also interviews with involved individuals, if possible and plausible.
Private Investigations
Need a professional to investigate a suspicious claim, marital concern, insurance fraud, corporate fraud or other concern? Or maybe you just need to perform due diligence before advancing in a business deal or a private matter?
Are you looking for someone? ALIASS can help locate a long lost friend, family member, war buddy, or even someone who owes you money. With the most basic of information, such as name, social security number, date of birth, previous address, our professional investigators can search and locate your missing person quickly and efficiently.
Serving MERS®
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., also referred to as MERS®, was created by the mortgage banking industry to streamline the mortgage process. Typically, MERS® needs to be served with any foreclosure documents for proceedings involving any of their members.
Mobile Notary Service
ALIASS employs several notary publics as well as a broad network of notary publics who can notarize legal documents, administer oaths, and provide certificates of acknowledgement. ALIASS can provide these services at your location or other desired location when you need it.
Process Service
ALIASS offers trained and certified servers to deliver your legal documents promptly and professionally. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is qualified to complete process service requests nationwide and specializes in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Registered Agent
Our Registered Agent role contains many facets, but at minimal ALIASS will maintain a status of your state government filing status, track critical legislative changes and maintain compliance for corporate filings, communicate any service of process (SOP), protecting personal information for your company's officers and directors, and generally exist as a reliable third party to protect your company's best interest.
Skip Tracing
When locating the subject or witness is a challenge, ALIASS can perform skip tracing to gather valuable information on their current whereabouts. Our registered investigators use a variety of legal, discreet techniques to collect and verify the most up-to-date information on the target subject.