ALIASS Pays It Forward

Looking back on our successes of 2013 and beyond, ALIASS is proud to dedicate November as our month to "Pay It Forward" to those less fortunate in our community. For every $100.00 our clients spend on ALIASS services during the month of November, ALIASS will donate $5.00 to
Our Daily Bread, Inc. We chose this local non-profit for its commitment to serving disadvantaged families in Fairfax County and their mission of "guiding our neighbors toward self-sufficiency." Over half of those served through Our Daily Bread are children and these families are likely to be members of the working poor - essentially, families who are in financial crisis despite juggling multiple jobs. Help us to help our neighbors remain self-sufficient and give their families what they need this holiday season.
Whether you call our offices or submit a
Request for Service online through the ALIASS website, we will include all services booked during the month of November. What better time than now to schedule your needed service ... Help ALIASS to Pay It Forward this month.
About Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread's mission is to identify and address the unmet fundamental needs of Fairfax County residents while also empowering the community to help its neighbors remain self-sufficient. Our Daily Bread (ODB) serves the working poor in the Fairfax County area, providing food and financial assistance, financial literacy training, Back to School assistance and Holiday gifts and meals assistance.